mandag 30. januar 2012

ActNow - Hvordan lage pilau

We had a day off and invited two ladies to teach us to make Tanzanian food. Lasse made a video receipt.

Wall decoration

We just decorated our wall. Lasse was very hungry while we waited for our landlord and his wife to come for supper. In Arusha people are usually late for dinner appointments. So he started drawing pictures for the wall to forget about his stomack screaming for food. Not a bad idea.

Drawn by Åsmund

Drawn by Lasse

Drawn by Lasse

Drawn by lasse

søndag 15. januar 2012

Christmas holiday

We spent most of our christmas holiday in Kenya. First we were visited by the Hald-students in Kenya for some days, and then we took the bus to Mombasa together. We spent the days at the beach, vindsurfing, swimming and becoming red. It felt like we were sweating constantly from we arrived until we left the city. We also visited fort Jesus in Mombasa, that is a fortress built by the portuguese in 1593. After Mombasa we travelled to Nakuru to take part in Commission, a mission conference with participants from many african countries. There we attended seminars and meetings and met a lot of people from different nations. A bit exhausting, but also very nice. I like the way Kenyans celebrate new years eve (see Lasses video). After counting down, everybody ran outside and danced, sang and shouted for at least half an hour.

The next stop was Nairobi, the capitol of Kenya. Teachers from Norway gathered with all the Hald-students in Africa for an infield course. A day at safari was included. It feels good to be back in Arusha, even though it doesn't feel like home yet.

See more pictures in the web album

Sunburnt people in Mombasa
Safari in Nakuru national park
Look! It's a Zebra!
Improvised screen, scout style at commission

Ola cheks out a cannon at Fort Jesus

Lasse's last Videos

Long time since last post now. I am happy that Lasse is better at updating his blog than I am!