søndag 4. desember 2011

Corrupt soldiers

Small-scale corruption is hard to avoid if you are staying in Tanzania for a long time. Today we visited Napuru waterfalls which is guarded by soldiers from the Tanzanian army. We made a shortcut on our way to the river, so we didn't pass the guard post. On our way back we met two soldiers who wanted our money. They accused us for going to the river without their permission, and they said we should have left our tickets at their post.

The soldiers are making money on tourists visiting this place.
We asked for apology and suggested to go to the post and deliver the passes we had bought at an office by the road. That was unfortunately not enough. We were told to pay contribution to solve the problem easily, because we had broken their regulations. They told us the money were used for cleaning the area. We had to tell them that we don't trust them because of corruption. That was the start of a long argue with four soldiers who were not 100 % sober. After more than one hour of arguing, and after we told them we would report them, they finally let us go. Avoiding corruption is never the easiest way.

1 kommentar:

  1. Dåkke va modige og gjorde rett vil eg sei! Det inneber ubehag, som de fekk. Men det er einaste veien å la dei forstå at korrupsjon er råttent og ødeleggande for samfunnet. Gratulerer med ei flott takling!

    You were brave and did the right thing! It may be unpleasant, as you experienced. But it is important to let them know that is not the good path. Corruption is making society rotten and bad. Congratulations with your good way of tackling the guys.
